Our Services

We provide customized courses for your organization, focusing on resiliency, suicide intervention, effective communication, wellness, and gratitude. Our aim is to foster individual Connection with Intention.


  • The key learning objectives of the trainings H4L offers include small group discussions and interactive exercises in the topics of:

    • Suicide Awareness and Intervention

    • Exploring accessible and supportive resources that promote help-seeking behavior.

    • Protective factors that compliment wellness and recovery

    • Relationships and managing expectations.

  • H4LC will tailor our modules to fit the needs of your organization or group. The modules can be completed within 45-minute intervals up to 4 hours.


Our Trainings & Goals

  • Suicide Awareness and Intervention

    Goal: To diminish the risk of suicide. Although it may not be possible to eliminate the risk of suicide, we do have the choice to intervene with an at-risk individual and keep them safe for now.

    Rationale: This module explores identifying risk factors and recognizing the warning signs for suicide. When someone indicates they are considering suicide this course allows participants to intervene directly or indirectly.

  • Name that Resource

    Goal: To reduce the stigma of asking for help. Investigate and validate community resources for ongoing collaboration.

    Rationale: By being proactive in validating available resources, we hope to reduce the scope of the contributing factors and reduce suicidal ideations and attempts.

  • Wellness and Recovery

    Goal: Intentionally identify what and where Protective Factors exist in our lives. Protective Factors can help mitigate risk factors and warning signs. They can be positive coping skills, support systems, our attitudes and beliefs that keep us safe.

    Rationale: Connect to the responsibility we have to ourselves to respond to our own needs; Identify what those needs are; developing the ability to manage our needs; respond to those needs once they are identified.

  • Relationships and Managing Expectations

    Goal: To improve communication, build trust and set the stage for difficult conversations to happen effectively.

    Rationale: Our relationships are not only with our families and partners. We are connected to our occupation, finances, environment, spiritual and social self. These areas also require our attention. This module focuses on enhance connection in these areas with purpose.

We offer a two-day in person workshop.

At a LivingWorks ASIST workshop, you’ll learn how to recognize when someone may be thinking about suicide, and how to provide a skilled intervention and develop a safety plan with the person to connect them to further support.

Interested in our trainings?